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March Cover Story - Jessa Calderon: The Native American Female Tupac

I never thought when I was waiting for my first Native American songwriter rapper Jessa Calderon that I would get a history lesson. When she walks into a room with her beauty and confidence shining from the inside and out, one can only bow down to the knowledge she about tells you. From the start of the interview to the end I was mesmerized by the engulfed history of her culture.

We begin our interview with of course the question of what led you to your love for music. She engaged me with her answer that the passion of music comes from her family. I can only imagine the musical influence from her Native American roots. Calderon goes more into detail on the Exum Music Podcast. After hearing her on the podcast, you will understand and know why I say she is the Native American female version of Tupac. I am telling you Jessa is the truth. She is the perfect mix of a revolutionary and rhythmic queen.

Her spirituality just overflowed in the studio while her video was playing in the background. Calderon described a couple of the figures who were coming across the screen. That brings me to the depth of our interview, what Calderon was truly passionate about. She expressed she believed in learning about your heritage and the respect that comes with it.

In my interview, Calderon goes into her experiences of finding her self-worth and how music was the key to getting her message across to the masses. Jessa believes it is important for us to follow our teachings as much as possible. I gathered from our interview that we must respect everybody and everything around us or respect will not come to us. When I was speaking with her, I felt as if I was getting some inspirational healing with the time and place we’re living in right now. Jessa’s message needs to be heard. Her reaction when I told her that was so surprised, but my comment was so true. The music she raps about comes from her soul and the experiences that she has been through in life.

In my opinion, you cannot ask for a better musical journey than that. Her talents don't come from some imaginary world or sugar-coated life. She speaks and raps her truth which I was honored to listen to in our TNE magazine studio. I can only vision a crowd of listeners vibing to someone like Calderon who talks the talk and walks the walk. If you have never heard Jessa's music follow her on social media and get her music on Spotify. Also, don't forget to watch our sit down interview to get the full inside look at our talk and what Jessa stands for.

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