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Lord of Landscaping: Ahmed Hassan

Ahmed Hassan, the original host and inspiration for DIY Network and HGTV's Yard Crashers. He says that TV taught him to just be himself but....

Who is Ahmed Hassan you ask? A father, business owner, radio host, fundraising guru, fast talking, smack talking, motivational speaker, and former TV celebrity landscaper.

But he is also a man that believes that it is important as a man that believes it is important as a man to live with a sense of purpose, capability, and competence. He feels that the more you live your life around your passion, the more you become the driver in your own life. What better way to live then being your own super hero?

Ahmed grew up watching TV shows, believing in superheros. Those larger than life characters that come from humble beginnings and develop amazing talents. Those that learn to utilize their powers for the good of humankind. As a kid, Ahmed saw his dad as a superhero. He was absolutely a character that inspired and amazed Ahmed with what he knew, what he could do, and what he'd been through.

After the passing of his dad Ahmed thought what better way to honor his life than by becoming your own superhero. Believing life is merely a journey where we get to "show up and show off," as the awesome super heroes of our own choosing. Understand that because we are all merely natural human beings, we can only develop out natural human powers. Ahmed said "to become your own hero, you have to first have your vision and use that to guide your ideas and act as if its until it is." Once you do that, you have to have an idea towards what you want to do and then move towards it. Then once you are in motion pretend to be the person you want to be until you look up and that's who you've become. Ahmed's dad expressed that before you become your own hero, you have to find dignity about who you are and what you do to get through the mundane work that you do day to day.

Listen to the phone interview with Ahmed to learn more about Ahmed and his views on life, family, how to make a difference in health and wellness of your community, and how to inspire yourself to live your dreams.

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